Comparing Sperm Banks in the USA

Deciding on a sperm donor is exciting, but overwhelming due to the number of profiles available at each sperm bank. This is why I suggest to start by selecting a sperm bank that aligns with your priorities, such as family limits, pricing, or reputation. Once you’ve chosen a bank that meets your needs, you can narrow your focus to their donor profiles to see if any align with your criteria. This can save time and prevent decision fatigue before exploring other banks and their offerings.

Common questions about sperm banks;

  • What sperm bank has the lowest family limit?
  • Which sperm banks have a buy back program?
  • Which sperm banks have adult photos available?

Let’s compare sperm banks available in the USA. We’ll look at key factors, including the number of available donors and the price of IUI vials (we’re looking at only IUI vials for easy price comparison) as of December 17, 2024. Check out this post to determine which bank is right for you to begin your donor search.

Sperm Bank of California

The Sperm Bank of California (TSBC) is the only non-profit sperm bank and has the lowest family limit in the USA. You can browse the donor catalog for free, but if you decide to use a donor at TSBC, you have to register with them (which can take up to 5 days). Here is a link to their registration as this is a unique step to their organization.

  • Donor Types: Open Identity Donors
  • Number of Donors: 48 Donors
  • Family Limit: 10 families per donor
  • Adult Photos Available: No
  • IUI pricing: $2300
  • 2 Day Shipping: $350 within the USA
  • Buy Back Program: No

The TSBC is pricier per vial, but offers lower family limits and open identity donors only. However, since it’s a smaller bank, there are less options for couples that may be looking for a more diverse donor.

Seattle Sperm Bank

The Seattle Sperm Bank (SSB) offers a larger pool of donors and a higher family limit. However, they do have exclusive donors with family limits ranging from 1 to 10. With a greater selection of donors, you’re more likely to find one that meets your criteria.

  • Donor Types: Open Identity
  • Number of Donors: 284
  • Family Limit: 25 families per donor
  • Adult Photos Available: Yes
  • IUI pricing: $1195
  • 2 Day Shipping: $150-$225 within the USA
  • Buy Back Program: Yes, 50% for vials stored at SSB.

California Cryobank

  • Donor Types: Anonymous, ID disclosure, Open Identity
  • Number of Donors: 492
  • Family Limit: 20-30 families per donor
  • Adult Photos Available: Yes
  • IUI pricing: $2,195
  • 2 Day Shipping: $400 within the USA
  • Buy Back Program: Yes, 50% for vials stored at their facility.

They have the option for single family unit or 2-10 family units available for purchase, but it is extremely pricey for their exclusivity! The single family unit is priced at $70,000.

Learn what the different donor types mean by checking out our post, “The 5 Steps to Building a Family as a Queer Couple.” Click here to learn more!

Fairfax Cryobank

  • Donor Types: Anonymous and ID Disclosure
  • Number of Donors: 405
  • Family Limit: 25 families in the USA, 15 families outside of the USA
  • Adult Photos Available: Yes
  • IUI pricing: $1,945 (premium)
  • 2 Day Shipping: $290 within the USA
  • Buy Back Program: Yes, 50% for vials bought at regular price and stored at their facility.

Based on the statement from FairFax birth limits page, a donor can have up to 40 families globally.

Xytex Sperm Bank

  • Donor Types: Anonymous and ID Disclosure
  • Number of Donors: 368
  • Family Limit: Their website states: “Each donor is limited by the length of time he remains active in the program. We monitor the reported location of births and limit the geographic distribution of a donor, consistent with the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)’s guidelines. We follow the mandated regulations for countries that impose a specific birth limit.”
    • Some donors have lower family limits. Click here to read about their donor options.
  • Adult Photos Available: Yes
  • IUI pricing: $1,495 (for ID disclosed donor)
  • 2 Day Shipping: $240 (standard shipping)
    • Home shipments require a refundable tank deposit of $875
  • Buy Back Program: Yes, for 50% if more than 3 vials are purchased.

While this bank does offer anonymous donors, they no longer accept anonymous donations as of 2019.

Sperm Bank Summary

Hopefully, this overview gives you an idea about each sperm bank. Starting with the bank instead of jumping straight to the donor can make your search feel more manageable. For example, if you and your partner are set on using an open-identity donor, you can rule out options like Fairfax and Xytex right away. Ultimately, the decision is yours, and it all comes down to your personal preferences and which donor profile feels like the right fit for your family.

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