LGBTQ+ Fertility Acronyms Guide

If you’re a member of the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) community, then you know we love acronyms! Well, there are just as many fertility acronyms.

Some online queer conception groups use acronyms and abbreviations constantly, and if you’re new to the community, it can be hard to follow. One of my favorite groups is the Reddit community Queerception, where many posts are filled fertility acronyms. The more familiar you become with them, the easier it is to follow the conversations.

AcronymStands ForMeaning
AFAunt FloYour Period
AFABAssigned Female at Birth
AFCAntral Follicle CountThe number of follicles in the ovaries, which reflects ovarian reserve.
AIArtificial InseminationFertility treatment where is sperm is placed in the female reproductive system without sexual intercourse, such as IUI.
ARTAssisted Reproductive TechnologyFertility treatments that handle eggs and sperm outside the body, such as IVF.
BBTBasal Body Temperature
BFNBig Fat NegativeNegative pregnancy test.
BFPBig Fat PositivePositive pregnancy test.
CDCycle Day
CisCisgenderGender identity matches their sex assigned at birth
CMCervical Mucus
CPChemical PregnancyMiscarriage that occurs shortly after implantation. Chemical refers to the initial positive pregnancy test.
DPODays Post Ovulation
FETFrozen Embryo Transfer
FMUFirst Morning Urine
FSHFertility Stimulating HormoneThe hormone that promotes the growth of follicles in the ovaries.
GPGestational ParentThe parent who will carry and give birth to the baby.
hCGHuman Chorionic GonadotropinThe hormone detected by pregnancy tests.
ICIIntracervical InseminationSperm is inserted into the cervix.
IFCFInfertility Child FreePeople who are child free after infertility.
IUIIntrauterine InseminationSperm is inserted into the uterus.
IVFIn Vitro FertilizationEgg is fertilized by sperm outside of the body and then placed into the uterus.
IVIIntravaginal InsemiationUsually referred to as ICI. Sperm is inserted into the vagina.
KDKnown Donor
LHLuteinizing HormoneThe hormone that surges before ovulation and is measured by fertility test strips.
OPKOvulation Predictor Kits
PCOSPolycystic Ovary SyndromeChronic hormonal disorder with symptoms that include irregular periods.
RIVFReciprocal In Vitro FertilizationOne partner’s eggs are fertilized by sperm outside of the body and then placed into the uterus of the other partner.
SBSperm Bank
SDSperm Donor
TTCTrying to Conceive
TWWTwo Week Wait
WTOWaiting to Ovulate
WWTWaiting to Try
AcronymStands ForMeaning

The list goes on! But these LGBTQ fertility acronyms will help you follow along in online communities and website. If I missed some frequent acronyms you commonly see or use, comment below to let me know.

Are you starting your fertility journey? If you’re still sorting through where to begin and what factors to consider, our queer couples family building guide will help start you off on the right foot.

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